Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hey guys! If you're reading this then I guess I really am going to keep up with this blog! I leave to go to South Africa today. My head is spinning with all the excitement and I am having a hard time concentrating. I am packed and ready to go. It was a maneuvering achievement to get my bag light enough to carry my video tripod in my checked bag which added 14 lbs. However, I am proud to say my final bag weight is down to 41lbs! We will see how well all my backpackers habit of ounce shaving serves me in Mamelodi. As I do my final preparations it is still overwhelming for me to think about how many people were so faithful in joining my support team to make this trip possible. The kindness at times has simply been too much to handle and I have been lost for words by the kind words, prayers and donations of so many people.

I first remember hearing about the Summer Project with the Mamelodi Initiative in South Africa over a year ago. Hearing about the program and what my friend was going to be doing with the program made me a bit jealous. He had just joined staff with Cru and his talents in videography and photography were taking him to work with this organization. Now as a student my gifts in media are taking me to the same place.

If you don't know what I am doing or where I am going you can go here, bc I just don't have time to write all that before I jump on this plane. Ignore the counter, I have raised all my support and giving anything at this point would just be a donation to Cru.

On a surprise note, I found that during our 8 hour layover in Germany, I WILL GET TO LEAVE THE AIRPORT AND GO TO GERMANY. Well for 5 hours anyway, Extra thanks to my buddy PA for driving me to the airport this morning and refusing my gas money and telling me to go buy a huge bratwurst with it. It was great to spend the night in the company of my friends last night and having dinner with my family before I headed out.

Expect blog posts once a week when I get the opportunity to use an internet connection at the mall in Pretoria. With any luck I will be uploading LOTS of photos to this blog from this experience. To my friends and family thank you all, I love you so much. Pray that Jesus would be glorified through this journey because thats the only thing that will make it worthwhile. Perhaps in Mamelodi I will have more time to be eloquent as well as give you all some great photographs to look at! Thank you all your prayers mean so much to me.

PS The US plays Portugal today in the World Cup. I expect you all to tune in and scream twice as loud for me because I can't watch it. As winning will advance us to the round of 16!

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