Monday, June 30, 2014

Welcome to Boston

                        Well today has been quite the day. I made it to Boston without a hitch. When I arrived I had the pleasure of meeting Kurt who is on staff with Cru and a girl on our team named Katie when I arrived at the airport. My plane was the last to land, so when we arrived at the Cru office in Boston, I found a room absolutely crammed packed with people. I made several introductions quickly but gave up knowing with the 30 plus people in the room I was bound to have to learn them as I went. However, I did make sure I introduced myself to Miche Kang, the student who previously ran with the photography class at the Mamelodi Initiative and is now apparently co-director of the entire program. Our long series of emails had come to an end and it was exciting to see her knowing that my long awaited arrival to South Africa was coming to a close.

            Then the directors of the project; Bob and Judy Kuzman and Jonathan and Kerry Thorn, welcomed us all to Boston and took time to tell us what a pleasure it was to have us. As we went around the room introducing ourselves, I was starting to scratch the surface of what a high caliber of people I was going to be working with. There were people from prestigious schools like Harvard, Dartmouth, Brown, Syracuse, Cal Poly and App State – of course. We were here from all over the country but we were all here for the same reason – to seek God’ s will for our lives by working with this amazing non-profit we had all heard so much about. I can tell you right now this project is going to be something special. After spending time going over crucial flight logistics and spending some time in the word together, we hit up a local Boston favorite – Uburger. We sat in (FIND OUT NAME) Park, watching the US play Portugal in the World Cup on Tom’s phone. With Paul, Ross and I crammed behind him trying to watch on the tiny screen I ate my Double Hijack burger and started to take a look around as the live stream got lagged.

            The farthest north I have ever been to this point has been Sea Side Park, NJ. I was definitely intrigued by Boston but I have not been able to keep my head from buzzing about the plane that will soon take me to Frankfurt Germany to spend the bulk of our 11  hour layover in the city. After lunch we loaded up the cars and headed to the airport, no doubt on our way to a great journey.  As we stood in line at the Boston Logan Airport to depart I remembered measuring the dimensions of my bag, which came close to the 62 inches of width, length and height allowed due to the video tripod that I had carefully put away in my Osprey.  I dreaded the apparent $300 fee that could come if Lufthansa deemed my bag to be oversized but thankfully it did not come. As we sit here, talking, laughing, playing cards and laughing again in the terminal I am getting pretty exhausted. I’ll write you again in Germany.

Please pray that:

We would travel safely.
God would use us to achieve his will through the Mamelodi Initiative.
My gear doesn’t get stolen.

God bless and all the best,
Dylan Rollins

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