Sunday, July 6, 2014

Adventures in Pilanesberg National Park


Last night I was hit with the plague. I had a high fever and couldn’t eat. On the eve of our trip to the Pilanesberg National Park I was sick as a dog. I started having flashbacks to Peru, when I became dreadfully sick the night before we were set to go to Machu Picchu. However after a 9:00 pm bedtime I woke up at 1:00a m slightly queasy but with no fever. I went back to sleep and when I woke up again at 3:45 I made the decision to go a mere 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave, however I would have chosen to go under any circumstance where I wasn’t specifically told to do stay behind.

So off we went on a two-hour drive to a place that held nearly all of Africa’s most famous wildlife. This had been something I had dreamed of doing since I was a little kid. When I was a little hooligan I was just as likely to be watching Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon as I was National Geographic or Animal Planet. That was of course back  when those channels were educational, before those channels started filling up their airtime with trashy reality shows about bigfoot and parolees rescuing pit bulls.

The first animals we encountered were a heard of wildebeest. 

Later a giant rhino less than 50 yards from our car.

When we stopped at the parks lodge for lunch and Zoe got her lunch stolen by a baby monkey.

There was a saltlick that would always ensure the presence of wildlife and a viewing platform on the edge of the deck.

After we left for lunch we saw what I had been waiting for elephants. At first I was disappointed as I saw the heard running off from te cars before I could get any photos. Then the bull came right through the middle of our line of cars and stood by watching us for a few minutes before we continued on.

Next we the zebra’s with their crazy calls that sound like no other animal.

Then a giraffe

Then a Sophie

And some birds

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