Friday, July 25, 2014

As Close As It Gets


 Question posed to me this morning at breakfast, "Do you want to go to a place where you can pet lion cubs?"

I can only assume that this question was asked to me because someone wanted to hear me shout, "HECK YEAH I DO!!!"and watch my eyes about pop out of my skull as my eyes no doubt were filled with cheer like it was Christmas Day.

The video's included below should be corrected for the horrid frame dropping that happened before and I failed to notice. Enjoy.

However, if you ever make it to this place, its called the Lion and Rhino Preserve and its about 45 minutes away from Pretoria. While you won't see totally wild animals there, you will see animals with observable habitats in more numbers and as close as you can be. If I had known more about the place, I could have been taking full frame SLR photos of cheetah's eyeballs with my 105mm as they napped alongside dirt roads you can drive on within this place. They were so close we really could have reached out and touched them if we wanted to get mauled. But alas, some things are better left undocumented as memories. So it will be with what was no doubt our most touristy experience of the trip.

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